You might by no means come across the fun-jam-packed theme park tourist attractions in Indianapolis, which makes a lot of other US cities more popular tourist destinations; on the other hand Indianapolis is absolutely not barren of the tourist attractions as well as opportunities for major sightseeing.

Shuffling through airport security lines is a tedious process, and it can be a lot worse than merely tedious. You could lose valuable possessions by leaving them behind in your haste to get to the gate, or be stopped for hand inspection and possibly miss your flight.  Here are a few tips to get you […]

This is our own favorite list of must-see Paris attractions. This list barely scratches the surface of the thousands of things to do and see in the city of light, but you gotta start somewhere.

‘God created the world, but the Dutch created the Netherlands‘, the old saying goes. Unique, idiosyncratic, functional and pretty – no more is the gloriously enchanting lifestyle of the Dutch on display than in the cosy cultural hub of Utrecht.

For overseas visitors on a trip to the UK, visiting heritage and historic sites is often a top priority, but visiting those sites over holidays can be an expensive proposition. Individual ticket prices can really add up, especially if you’re visiting numerous places or have a large family. However, if you know where to go […]

365::16 – The Return of the Native Penticton is a city in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, located along Highway 97 between Skaha and Okanagan Lake. The city’s name comes from the Salish Indian word for “place to stay forever”. The name is fitting considering Penticton’s warm, dry climate and the beautiful lakes and […]

Craftsman house, Wallingford Wallingford is a neighborhood in north-central Seattle, just north of Lake Union. It is primarily a business district where you’ll find bars, taverns, movie theatres, grocery stores, and several restaurants.[1] The main attraction of Wallingford is the Gas Works Park, which is a popular place to stroll, jog, bike, or skate among […]

Just as visits to art galleries and Roman ruins are required on any tour of Europe, shopping is a must-do as well. But don’t be mistaken, shopping in Europe is not like shopping at home. It isn’t about hitting the strip mall to pick up socks and underwear; and if you find yourself in an outlet […]

Europeans are nothing if not total hedonists. They love good food, good wine, and at the end of the day, they love a good spa. From Iceland to Estonia, spas are an integral part of life and often one of a city’s major tourist attractions. But these aren’t new-age, luxury spas where you have chocolate […]

It seems unlikely, but there are some fine discount Paris hotels for under 100 Euros. They may not have all the amenities, but they do have clean rooms with en-suite bathrooms.


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