Г‰ com certeza uma casa Portuguesa! Bless your soul if you’re into churches. In central Portugal is the village of Fatima, with its national shrine in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. Roman Catholics have made pilgrimages to Fatima since 1917, when three shepherd children reported seeing the Virgin Mary there six […]

Portugal Evora Ruinas Jardim The city of Evora traces its history to the Romans and the Moors. There are the remains of a Temple of Diana from the 1st or 2nd century B.C., the great cathedral in Gothic style from the 12th century, and many other monu­ments.

Guess what?more green – HDR attempt Estoril is the center of Portugal's fashionable resorts on the Costa do Sol (coast of the sun). There the rich, and some exiled royalty from other European lands, have built lovely homes of red, blue, pink, orange, and yellow stucco and tiles that shimmer in the brilliant sun.

Sunset at Lisboa Lisbon is the capital of Portugal and is known for its friendly people, vibrant nightlife, old-fashioned traditions, distinctive art, soulful Fado music clubs, delicious seafood, mosaic pavements, sidewalk portrait painters, riverside restaurants, street cafes, and its splendid architecture as witnessed in its Art Nouveau buildings, church towers and domes, and old monuments. […]

Patos do Jardim do Cerco Portugal is Europe’s southwestern most country and is located on the Iberian Peninsula. Once relatively unknown to tourists, Portugal is fast becoming one of the most visited countries in Europe and attracts close to 25 million tourists each year. There is good reason – Portugal has much to offer, including […]


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