Vimoutiers is a town in the Orne region of French Normandy, famous for being bombarded and destroyed by the Allied forces during the Battle of Normandy.[1] While it suffered painfully during the war, Vimoutiers is very much otherwise a peaceful small town, sitting quietly on the banks of the Vie River.[2] Vimoutiers suffered painfully in the war. The village was destroyed and more than 200 people perished.[3]

The town is most famous for being the hometown of Marie Harel, whose name should be familiar around the world among gourmets and gourmands alike. She was the wife of a farmer in Camembert (or Champosoult) and invented the Camembert cheese. A statue, paid for by an American cheesemaker, has been erected in Vimoutiers to honor Marie Harel.[4]

Gaudez, René, Hervé Champollion, and Angela Moyon. Tour of Normandy. Rennes: Éditions Ouest-France, 1996. ISBN: 2737317185.

“Vimoutiers.” <>

[1] Vimoutiers
[2] Gaudez, 68
[3] Vimoutiers
[4] Id.