Every year during the Celebration that happens on Times Square New Years Eve Manhattan, new york city. There is a time ball which was made by Waterford crystals and the many electrical lights. They raised all the way to the top of a pole on the times square building. These are then lowered to the mark where the coming of the new year is held. After all of this, the ball descends dramatically for about eighty feet. This happens for about one minutes and then the ball comes to rest at the bottom of the pole exactly at twelve midnight. There is a billboard that is managed by Toshiba that is directly below the ball , this billboard counts down till twelve.
Every year there are about one million who gather around times square to watch this ball drop, and part from this it is estimated that more than one billion watch the video of Times Square New Years Eve. Out of these about just one hundred million are people in the United states.
In the year nineteen hundred and four, the New york times opened its head quarters in Longacre square which is the second tallest building in all of the city. The square is called the triangular square mostly for the newspaper. The owner of this place called Adolph Ochs started what was a huge celebration in Times Square New Years Eve. This is permanently displaces from the celebration of the Trinity church. There are fireworks although there is no ball.
Walter Palmer which was a chief electrician for the times, I the year nineteen hundred and seven, created a response to honor the publisher Adolph Ochs and create an awesome midnight show that would also serve the purpose of drawing attention o the times square. There is a new years eve ball which first descended from a flagpole at one times square and this is constructed with iron and wood. There are about one hundred bulbs of about twenty five watt each. This is dropped about one second after midnight.
In the year nineteen hundred and twenty the Ball was replaced by another one made in h similar look but made with iron. In the yer nineteen fifty five the ball go replaced by one weight bout seventy kilo grams made with aluminum. Because of the I Love you new York, the campaign, red light bulbs and a green stem was the theme here making it look like an apple.