The historic inhabitants of the city of Prague in Czech Republic developed some of the best architectural and structural buildings that continue to amaze the world. Not only were they geniuses of design, but these craftsmen built a wealth ofgreat castles, cemeteries and cathedrals, most of which are still standing in Prague today!

Only one kilometer west of St. Vitus Cathedral and the heart of the Prague Castle complex sits St. Norbert’s Brewery, better known in Prague as the Strahovský klášter (Strahov Monastery), a Premonstratensian abbey that has been in Prague since the 12th Century. Since the 17th Century, beer has been brewed on the premises in a […]

Prague, the city of 100 spires, was mainly untouched by the Second World War, so its beautiful buildings are still intact and its citizens are happily building a new city that completely embraces the old. The city is now a mecca for tourists who have seen Western Europe and are looking for a new place […]


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