DOXO Building and MacArthur Park Tile The Westlake neighborhood is located along Wilshire Boulevard northwest of Downtown LA and has experienced tremendous immigration from Central American nationals in recent years, many of them illegal or waiting for naturalization. The appeal of this neighborhood is the faded Victorian Architecture and the flea markets and street vendors […]

ВЎGuelaguetza! Mid-Wilshire is an ethnically diverse district of Los Angeles that sits along Wilshire Boulevard between Beverly Hills and Downtown. Hollywood pretty much runs parallel to Mid-Wilshire to the north. For whatever reason, Mid-Wilshire is often bypassed by tourists, but it is worth visiting if you are interested in observing 20th century architecture, as most […]

WACKO Silver Lake is worth visiting for its movieland heritage, although it has lost much of its appeal in this regard over the years with the development of more modern architecture. The district started out as a man-made reservoir built in 1907. Shortly afterwards, a neighborhood developed around it, and the fine homes built there […]

the getty center 4.12.09 – stitch 8 Bel-Air is a district of LA just northwest of UCLA. It is an elite residential subdivision of the same class as Beverly Hills, if not even more exclusive. The district is full of grand mansions and modest ranches. Many of the homes up the mountain have incredible views […]

ElMo Ravine Elysian Park is a hilly middle-class neighborhood of Los Angeles about two miles north of the Civic Center district. It was founded in 1886 and has been shrinking in size ever since. A chunk of the district was taken to build the Pasadena Freeway and another chunk to build a training facility for […]


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