DOXO Building and MacArthur Park Tile

The Westlake neighborhood is located along Wilshire Boulevard northwest of Downtown LA and has experienced tremendous immigration from Central American nationals in recent years, many of them illegal or waiting for naturalization. The appeal of this neighborhood is the faded Victorian Architecture and the flea markets and street vendors hawking their goods at Wilshire and Alvarado. In general, Westlake is best viewed as much as possible by car for safety reasons. Drug dealing and petty theft is high in this area, and tourists are especially targeted.[1]

Langer’s Deli
At Wilshire and Alvarado, among the flea market and street vendors, you’ll find Langer’s Deli at this intersection, a deli whose pastrami sandwiches have been voted the best in the United States by the New Yorker.[2]

Belmont Tunnel
The Belmont Tunnel near First Street is another attraction, a famous canvas for graffiti artists that has attracted many visitors worldwide.[3]

MacArthur Park
MacArthur Park is across the street from Alvarado and was developed in the late 19th century. Unfortunately, the park has become a haven for gang activity, drug dealing, and the sale of fake IDs and pirated movies.[4] Although revitalization efforts have resulted in a reduction in crime in this area, it is still not advisable to visit at night. During the day, the highlight of the park is its southern portion, where you’ll find a lake. In the north is an ampitheatre and bandshell that used to host concerts in the past.[5]

Alvarado Terrace
Alvarado Terrace along Bonnie Brae Street is the place to visit in Westlake if you are interested in observing the old Victorian dwellings. At 1036 S. Bonnie Brae Street, in particular, are a mix of French chateau and Queen Anne styles.[6]

Grier-Musser Museum
The Grier-Musser Museum showcases 19th century architecture and luxurious furnishings from the same era. It retraces the past when the neighborhood was a middle-class suburb that boasted Victorian homes with Gothic turrets and Italianate windows.[7]

Dickey, Jeff. Los Angeles, 3rd Edition. Rough Guides, 2003. ISBN: 1843530589.

“MacArthur Park.” <>

[1] Dickey, 69
[2] MacArthur
[3] Id.
[4] Dickey, 69
[5] MacArthur
[6] Dickey, 69
[7] Id.