Steinbach is a small city of about 12,000 people, only about 61 kilometers (38 miles) southeast of Winnipeg. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the province of Manitoba. The city was founded in the late 1800s by German-speaking Mennonites from Russia. In recent years, Steinbach has witnessed a surging influx of immigrants. Today, Steinbach’s economy is based on agriculture, large manufacturing, service and retail. It is nicknamed the “Automobile City” for its numerous car dealerships.[1]

The main tourist attraction of Steinbach is the Steinbach Mennonite Village Museum. This museum is about 2.5 kilometers or 1.5 miles outside of the city. It is a “living museum” where Mennonites work the Dutch mills and showcase their crafts and skills. The Mennonite sect is based on a set of pacifist beliefs that have invited persecution over the years. The heritage village portrays in colorful fashion what life was like back in the 19th century. There is even a restaurant that cooks up traditional Mennonite food. The village is only open in the summers. If you are traveling from Winnipeg, take Highway 1 and then Highway 12 before exiting just north of Steinbach.[2]

How to Get There
Steinbach, being about 61 kilometers away from Winnipeg, can be reached from the capital by taking Highway 1 and then Highway 12. This latter highway also connects the city with both the Trans-Canada Highway, which links with Toronto to the east and Regina to the west, and with the United States border.[3]

Steinbach is served by a federally licensed airport that is mainly for private use. There are no major airlines flying in and out of the airport.[4]

Carroll, Donald. Insider’s Guide Canada. Edison: Hunter Publishing, Inc, 1996. ISBN: 1556507100.

“Steinbach, Manitoba.” <>

[1] Steinbach
[2] Carroll, 162
[3] Steinbach
[4] Id.