Port-en-Bessin-Huppain, 19 fГ©vr. 09

Port-en-Bessin-Huppain is a town referred to by locals as the “Port”.[1] It consists of the communes of Port-en-Bessin and Huppain.[2] Hustling and bustling characterizes Port-en-Bessin when the town’s fishing fleet sets sail or returns from its voyages. It is, in fact, the largest fishing harbor in Lower Normandy.[3]

Gaudez, René, Hervé Champollion, and Angela Moyon. Tour of Normandy. Rennes: Éditions Ouest-France, 1996. ISBN: 2737317185.

“Port-en-Bessin-Huppain.” < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port-en-Bessin-Huppain>

[1] Gaudez, 31
[2] Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
[3] Gaudez, 31