Corvette at Peggy’s Cove ,NS HDR
Mahone Bay is a little town about 20 kilometers (13 miles) southwest of Chester, Nova Scotia on Route 3.[1] It sits on the northwest shores of Mahone Bay and has a population of less than 1,000.[2] Today, the town is best known for its antiques and crafts as well as for its three trademark churches lined up next to one another in a row at the head of the harbor.[3] The view across the harbor from these three churches actually appears on thousands of postcards and calendars around the world.[4]
Mahone Bay was founded in 1754 by Captain Ephraim Cook. Not too long afterwards, the village transformed into a haven or haunt for smugglers and pirates. In fact, the name of the town “mahone” is said to derive from this notoriety; the old French word “mahonne” refers to a type of boat used by pirates in raids. The town’s most charming characteristic is its myriad of historic buildings from the early 19th century, which are now occupied by restaurants, studios, shops, and galleries.[5] It is no wonder Mahone Bay is considered one of Canada’s most attractive and picturesque towns.[6]
The town’s highlight each year is the Mahone Bay Classic Boat Festival. This event celebrates Mahone Bay’s history of wooden boat building. You can learn about the industry’s history at the Settler’s Museum.[7]
Carroll, Donald. Insider’s Guide Canada. Edison: Hunter Publishing, Inc, 1996. ISBN: 1556507100.
“Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.” <>
[1] Carroll, 319
[2] Mahone
[3] Carroll, 319
[4] Mahone
[5] Carroll, 319-20
[6] Mahone
[7] Id.