Did you know that footpaths could change the way an entire neighborhood looks? In fact about seven years ago, the government here in the city started widening the sidewalks and they installed new benches and planters over the Bernard Street which is west of the Boulevard St.Laurent. This place has been lined up with musty convenience stores. In fact in the local language it is called depanneurs. This place has greasy spoons and vacant storefronts. The entire neighborhood which surrounds this place is a at a mile end and has become a good spot to witness local music with the many local bands that this place has given rise to. There are many clubs are practice rooms here. The entire era has somehow left out Rue Bernard which it completed its side walks in the year two thousand and six.
The street here was actually dug up for almost three summers. Only after that, the streets started to change.
Rue Bernard had suddenly become a pedestrian friendly place and this gave rise to many local hangouts and shops just at the post of the old standbys in the close by. One of the many tenants here who have lived through the change is the Dun Sport a L’autre. This is a sporting goods store that sells a jumble of old and new sports equipment. This shop has been in business since about fifteen years now. The sports store almost looks like a garage that is over stuffed and the shop is quite playful and is as encouraging and enthusiastic just as Nike store would be.
Arterie is a boutique that sells the work of many local designers which is sold alongside a collection of used clothing. The highlights of these are attractively odd jewelry, and the vegan shoes and dresses that are designed by Valerie Dumaine.
You can also see the work of many famous Montréal designers at the Montrealite which are farther down the block. When this screen printed apparel here contains reference that give rise to a highly bilingual life.
Come to Librarue Drawn & quarterly which is the best place for a graphic novel enthusiast from anywhere in the world. This is the headquarters of the most successful publishing house that has ever been, in this vicinity.
There is a delightful variety of graphic novels, art books and fiction which is the Hot potatoes. This is the new anthology made by the Canadian graphic artist Marc Bell. This place also launches and hosts workshops.
Check back here to find out more about what happens here on the streets on Montreal.