Fort Simpson NWT CANADA taxi plate 1970’s

Fort Simpson is a village in the Northwest Territories, located at the point of convergence of the Mackenzie and Liard Rivers.[1] It started out as a Hudson’s Bay Company settlement. Today, the majority of Fort Simpson’s 1,100 plus population are First Nations and the village serves as the centre of the Dehcho region.[2]

While Fort Simpson has an annual festival called the “Beavertail Jamboree”, a time when the community gathers to throw various festivities,[3] the village’s main attraction is the Nahanni National Park Reserve. This park is the first to be designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While Ford Liard is another Northwest Territories’ community close to the park, Fort Simpson is actually the park’s headquarters. Many canoeists enjoy paddling the Liard River downstream from the Nahanni National Park Reserve and headed towards Fort Simpson.[4] The river descends gradually over the course of the 200 kilometer length between Virginia Falls and Nahanni Butte, dropping more than 120 meters in total. It winds its way past large canyons with dramatic cliffs and tall, lush trees and ferns that are surrounded by hot springs before. At Virginia Falls, wild orchids blossom in the midst of white snow and waterfalls boast a height two times that of Niagara. The latter eight kilometers downstream before the river reaches Fort Simpson feature standing waves and continuously violent rapids.[5]

“Fort Simpson.” <>

Simpkins, Mary Ann. Canada. New York: Prentice Hall Travel, 1994. ISBN: 0671882783.

[1] Simpkins, 284
[2] Fort
[3] Id.
[4] Simpkins, 283-84
[5] Id.