Looking About Discount Holidays?
We all like to save money and the word “discount” is sure a nice attention grabber. My dear parents were what you might call a bit special. I am not saying that they were bad parents, but they were often a little bit arbitrary and excentric with some of the choices that they would make. Nowhere was this more true than in the summer vacation packages that they would take us on. Both my father and my mother were absolute fanatics for discount holidays. They just loved discount travel of any kind. It seems like it did not matter where the trip took them or for how long as a matter of fact– as long as they could get there for real cheap, it was fine by them. We had nothing to say about their choices.
When I think about my childhood, there is not a single discount holiday that stands out. Rather, there are a few high points from the various trips. There is one time where my mother purchased discount tickets to Bangladesh – during the monsoon season. I remember vividly on the flight over there, asking my mom if I was going to get to swim. Being a kid, that was my favorite part of discount holidays. When I was standing shin deep in water, wishing I was home, I thought back to that innocent question and wondered if I would ever want to go swimming again.
Discount Holidays to Exotic Places?
Of course, not all of the discount holidays were miserable, bizarre failures, far from it. Some of them actually turned out quite nicely to my amazement. There was one time where, all of the sudden, my dad came home with tickets to Alaska that he had apparently gotten at the office. Many of the discount holidays were to exotic places, but none of them seemed quite as bizarre to me as Alaska. I still remember seeing the northern lights and wondering if they were ghosts. That trip still evokes nice memories to me.
Some of the places we stayed on those discount holidays were memorable, but not always in a good way. We really had more than our fair share of rat infested discount hotels. Every once in a while, however, we would have a discount holiday trip where almost everything would go perfectly. I remember one year in particular, for example, we got to stay at the nicest bed and breakfast hotel that you have ever seen! Not only was the place adorable, but the food was good, the bed was pretty comfortable, and the host and hostess were very polite. It was memories like that that kept me going through some of the less pleasant moments of our discountholidays. Still, they have given me plenty of stories to tell. So if you are looking to save a bit of money or you are on a tight budget why not try the discount holidays and be ready for some adventures?