Searching for a deal on any form of travel can be quite a task. At a time when getting a good deal is more important to most people than it has been in the past, understanding how to get the best deal possible is at the forefront of a lot of traveler’s minds.

Well it pays to check multiple websites to find the best deal,  there are a few more tools at your disposal that most people aren’t aware of. I came across one such tool the other day at, one of the leading online travel agents in Canada. They’ve recently launched a Top 20 Deals newsletter that features 20 absolutely dirt cheap deals every week. If you’re the type that gets annoyed by newsletters, you can also check out their latest deals on their website at

It’s worth a peak when planning your flights, hotels, or virtually any type of travel. Even if the odds are small that one of these deals is going to fit your schedule, or involve your desired destination, to extra minute or two to browse over there and check out the deals is worth it because they are truly fantastic, amazing deals.