The Canadian Rocky Mountains, which is located in the western region of North America, stretches itself for more than 4,828km (almost 3000 miles) as of Mexico, all the way through the United States of America as well as into Alaska along with Canada. In addition, dividing the entire Canadian provinces of the British Columbia as well as Alberta, the towering peaks of the huge Canadian Rockies tower above the plains and rises to a height of almost 11,975ft (around 3,650m). Moreover the alpine townships that are sprinkled by the side of the Rockies that are located on the Alberta side are actually unblemished mountain playground where each and every season has its individual only one of its kind exquisiteness as well as assortment of activities. In addition the national parks that are abound within this area, moreover offers the opportunity designed for mountain adventures along with amusement.
The largest National Park in Canada, which is the well-known Wood Buffalo National Park, is actually larger than the state of Switzerland. The townships that are placed within the area, to name a few Banff as well as Jasper, put forward a cosmic number of exciting tourist attractions for entertainment of the visitors all the way through the year; in addition they do harmonize with the natural attractions that are present at this juncture.
In all around 56 species of mammals are been recorded in this region. Characteristic species that are found within alpine meadows consist of Rocky mountain goat Oreamos americanus, northern pika Ochotona princes, bighorn sheep Ovis canadensis, as well as hoary marmot Marmota caligata. The forest mammals consist of moose Alces alces, white-tailed deer O. viriginianus, mule deer Odocoileus hemionus, caribou Rangifer tarandus, red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus as well as red deer Cervus canadensis. Carnivores take account of grey wolf Canis lupus, black bear U. americanus, grizzly bear Ursos arctos horribilis, wolverine Gulo gulo luscus (VU), puma F. concolor as well as lynx Felis lynx canadensis.
Almost around 280 avifaunal species are been seen in this region, which includes three-toed northern woodpecker Picoides tridactylus, grey jay Perisoreus canadensis, white-tailed ptarmigan Lagopus leucurus, mountain bluebird Sialia currucoides, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, Clark’s nutcraker Nucifraga columbiana, mountain chickadee Parus gambeli as well as rock pipit Anthus spinoletta. The various other fauna that are recorded consists of one genus of toad, three types of frog, solitary genus of salamander as well as two kinds of snake. The petite Banff Springs snail Physella johnsoni, which was been discovered in the year 1926, is been listed as in danger of extinction animal through the working group on the “Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada”. It barely inhabits five different warm mineral-water springs that are located on Sulphur Mountain within Banff National Park.