If you are looking for an unforgettable journey, then visit Alaska and discover the life here by air and sea. Spent your Alaska Vacations by following some of these things –
Enter this area, which is the first port of call in Alaska through air or Alaska Ferry. Get a walking tour map and start exploring the downtown attractions like historic Creek Street, Tongass Historical Museum, Southeast Alaska Discovery Center and local art galleries and shops.
Ketchikan – Sitka:
Take a half day guided sport fishing trip and enjoy this place. You can also take an excursion boat or plane to Misty Fiords National Monument. This site covers 2.3 million acre of area.
Take a leisure tour at the historic St. Michael’s Cathedral and the Russian Bishop’s House, which was once recognized as the Russian capital of Alaska. Native artifacts could be found at Sheldon Jackson Museum, totem poles and a cultural center at Sitka National Historical Park are also fascinating.
Take a glance at the eagles and other birds at the Alaska Raptor Rehabilitation Center.
Sitka – Juneau:
Juneau is the capital city of Alaska that offers magnificent Mendenhall Glacier located at a distance of 13 miles from downtown, a rainforest botanical garden, fish hatchery or take a ride of Mt. Robert’s tramway.
Take as much soft adventure tours as you can. Sea kayaking, rafting, glacial trekking and hiking are among the famous activities. Shops and museums in the historic downtown area have worth a visit.
Juneau – Haines:
Take a morning Alaska Ferry to Haines and discover historic Fort Seward on the shores of longest fjord in America. Also, visit the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve and enjoy the night in Haines. This is a major attraction for Alaska vacations.
Haines – Skagway – Juneau:
Skagway is a browser’s paradise, so take water taxi or ferry in the Gold Rush history on the Scenic Railway of the World.
Wrangell and Petersburg:
From Ketchikan take a ferry, jet or air taxi to Wrangell and Petersburg. At Wrangell, you will get Stikine River and Petroglyph Beach whereas, in Pertersburg, you can see traditional Norwegian painted buildings and LeConte Glacier.
Alaska vacations will always make you feel fascinated. So enjoy them to the fullest.