For a fantastic summer holiday, think Austria…think  SalzburgerLand. Set in the area of Austria around and south of Salzburg, SalzburgerLand is a natural wonderland, ripe with things to do and sights to see.  From hiking, biking, swimming and golfing, you will never be at a loss for an active adventure. SalzburgerLand has more than 185 lakes, […]

A group of friends and I took a ski trip to the Austrian Alps one year during New Year’s, or Sylvester as it is called in German-speaking countries. All of my friends were experienced skiers or snowboarders and I was the only one who had never done either before. We went to a place near […]

Saltzburg is one of our favorite cities in Austria. It is a small city with lots to see and do. Great food, impeccable lodging and easy to use transportation. Here is our list of the eight best sightseeing excursions.

Salzburg Salzburg is the underrated and often overlooked jewel of Europe. Rarely does one hear about Salzburg when their buddies come back from Europe after a backpacking trip. They'll talk about London, Paris, Amsterdam perhaps, Milan, Rome, Barcelona… but there's also Salzburg. The small city of around 150,000 inhabitants boasts quite a history. It is […]

Wow, we really love Salzburg. As a matter of fact, we really love Austria. This has been a wonderful trip and we found something to love about everywhere we went, but with Austria, it wasn’t difficult at all. Vienna and Innsbruck were both fabulous and now Salzburg, which seems to combine the best of both.

Just as visits to art galleries and Roman ruins are required on any tour of Europe, shopping is a must-do as well. But don’t be mistaken, shopping in Europe is not like shopping at home. It isn’t about hitting the strip mall to pick up socks and underwear; and if you find yourself in an outlet […]


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