The beautiful country of Germany holds many treasures for the visitor; here are a few of our favorites.

At Christmas, Germany reveals its most Magical side. More than 2,500 Christmas markets invite you to share in the joy of the Christmas season and enter into Germany’s festive spirit.

German beer has taken on a mythical quality both within that country and across the world. Many non-German beers claim to be brewed based on the specifications of the Reinheitsgebot ( or purity law), a beer regulatory standard in place since the fifteenth century. Many people have taken to very specific types of German beers […]

Surfing in the middle of Munich Munich is Germany’s second most popular destination after Berlin. It is the capital of Bavaria with a population of 1.5 million and a history spanning more than 800 years. Munich is characterized by folk traditions, lederhosen, a vibrant arts scene, fairy-tale Gothic architecture, beer gardens, and the world-famous Oktoberfest. […]

Every year, Munich puts together a fantastic party to celebrate the Harvest. Oktoberfest is a two-week beer party, with parades, bands, beer-tents, food booths and general raucous fun.


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