The 4th smallest country in the world is also the only one named after its founders. In 1699, the Liechtenstein family of Vienna purchased this land to get a seat among the ranks of Imperial Princes. Since 1866, Liechtenstein has been a sovereign nation, now led by the billionaire prince, His Serene Highness Hans-Adam II von […]

I’m in Vaduz, Liechtenstein on a whim. When I was 15, I spent about an hour here, mostly for a quick look and to get a passport stamp. It was one of those places where I could say I had been, but not really seen. Somehow, that didn’t feel right. I had no basis for forming […]

kunstmuseum. Liechtenstein is a tiny European principality landlocked between Switzerland to the west and Austria to the east and tucked away in the Rhine Valley. It is an alpine country loaded with snowy peaks. In the summer, wildflower meadows, crystal-clear lakes, and rushing river streams color the scene, making Liechtenstein a miniature Switzerland, at least […]


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