Copenhagen’s  Hotel Fox is a World Travel Awards nominee. Hailed by the Wall Street Journal as the “Travel industry’s equivalent to the Oscar’s”, the World Travel Awards are the most comprehensive and most prestigious awards program in the global travel industry, so being nominated is quite an honor.

Copenhagen has more than 50 museums, classic to kitsch, erotica to fairy tales, and not a one of them is stuffy or boring. Some have free entrance and others are free on certain days. The Copenhagen Card provides discounts on transportation and entrance fees, but it’s a good value only if you are constantly on […]

32-p1 To many people Copenhagen's Tivoli Gardens, the world's most famous amusement park, is the key to Denmark. There, on 20 acres (8 hectares) in the heart of the capital, is something for everyone, old, young, rich, poor, serious, frivolous. There are restaurants and snack bars, concerts by symphony orchestras and performances by jazz groups […]

This year, when trying to beat the winter blahs, why not try something a little different than the typical tropical locations? After all, what better place to cheer yourself up than in Denmark, the official Happiest Place on Earth?

“Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, salty old queen of the sea….”  This colorful city offers lots to see and do.  Read more about Copenhagen

“Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, salty old queen of the sea….”  On my first trip to Europe, as a teenager, I landed in Copenhagen humming the catchy tune from the movie, Hans Christian Andersen. Ever since, when I’m in Denmark I think of  the song, because Copenhagen truly is wonderful. It’s a beautiful harbor city of islands, […]


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