On your next visit to Ireland, take some time away from the pub while you nourish your soul and offer respect to Mother Earth. If you are looking for an Eco Luxury Retreat, then you must visit the Ard Nahoo Hotel, located 30 minutes west of Sligo airport in the hills of Western Ireland. Settled in the unspoiled […]

Berlin is one of the most popular European touristic destinations. But it is also probably the largest European artistic center, full of young (and not so young) people with progressive ideas who are creating, innovating and leading the vanguard trends. There’s always something important going on in Berlin, so forget for a while the TV Tower […]

When one thinks of Venice, images of floating down canals while being serenaded by a strapping gentleman in a striped shirt typically come to mind. While indulging in this cliché is definitely recommended during a trip to Italy’s “city of water,” gondolas are not the only option for transportation around Venice, you can also take […]

A one-hour flight from Athens to Crete, the largest of the Greek islands, dropped us near Heraklion, a bustling, noisy town I didn’t expect to like. But who can resist those exuberant Greeks, who love to talk? Every square and every cafe-bar was crammed with coffee-and beer-drinkers watching the scene and talking endlessly to each […]

Many people travel to the Greek Islands to study world history and see ruins, younger travelers may want to experience the night life, and others want to get away from tourists and find a beach hideaway in order to relax. Greece offers so many options and many of them are a green traveler’s dream. We visited an […]

Several islands are located within a short ferry-ride from Naples, Italy; and Capri, Ischia, and Ponza are the most popular. In choosing which island to visit, it’s helpful to know their personalities because each is unique. To begin, the islands can all be reached from either of Naples’s ferry terminals. Molo Beverello is the larger […]

About 5,000 years ago, the people who lived in what is now Ireland’s Boyne Valley, built vast monuments to honor their dead. Newgrange, about an hour’s drive from Dublin, is the best known.  This United Nations World Heritage Site draws 200,000 visitors per year.  If you’re interested in ancient mysteries, prehistoric Ireland’s Newgrange is a must.

The magnificence of the Albi Cathedral of St. Cecilia, in southwestern France, belies a history based in bloodshed. Those fierce times are long gone, and today the cathedral is a calm place of worship and a must-see impressive sight for visitors in the town of Albi.

The little country of Malta, a member of the European Union, consists of a series of Mediterranean islands located 90k south of Sicily, Italy. This densely populated country holds an incredible variety of attractions for visitors, from prehistoric temple ruins to art festivals to scuba diving. It’s surrounded by clear waters and is sunny most of the […]

The night train from Istanbul finally rolled into Ankara at dawn. We ate bread with salty cheese in the breakfast car, and watched cottages and fields change over to high-rises and concrete apartments. Ankara is home to Turkey’s most prominent universities and businesses. Guidebooks tend to over overlook the busy capital, preferring to swoon over Istanbul’s romantic boat […]


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