Have you heard? Getting through the TSA checkpoints is taking L O N G E R. The TSA agents are being more careful; they are doing more thorough screening on more people. All this takes time, so to make it easier on yourself follow this guide for getting through the line faster.

Get there early

Airport TimetableEven if you are organized, chances are the people in front of you aren’t. Keep this in mind when buying your airline tickets. A 6:30 am departure might not have been difficult in the past, but do you really want to get to the airport at 3:30 am for a 6:30 flight?  This goes for your return flight as well…maybe even more-so.


Be prepared to show both your identification (Passport) and boarding pass  to TSA Agents.

Pack your carry-on carefully

Don’t just shove things into your carry-on. It makes it easier for the X-ray operator to see things if they are not all wadded up together.  (Putting through your carry-on more than once takes extra time.) Undeveloped film should go in your carry-on bag. You can declare film that is faster than 800-speed to a transportation security officer for physical inspection to avoid it being X-rayed

Each passenger is allowed a single, one-quart bag. Have your liquids packed in a one-quart zip-lock bag. (Do this before you get to the airport.)  And liquids must be in 3.4 oz  (100ml)  containers or smaller.

Small electronics, such as iPods, can remain in your carry-on.

At the Checkpoint

Place your plastic bag in the security bin along with your coat.

If your belt has a large buckle, add it to the bin.

Shoes (wear slip-on shoes to make it easier) should be put on the X-Ray belt, not in the bin.

Here are some other items that may set off the alarm:

  • AirportKeys, loose change, mobile phones, pagers, and personal data assistants (PDAs)
  • Heavy jewelry (including pins, necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, earrings, body piercings, cuff links, lanyards or bolo ties)
  • Clothing with metal buttons, snaps or studs
  • Metal hair barrettes or other hair decoration
  • Under-wire bras


Put your laptop in a bin by itself, or on the X-Ray belt.
TSA screens laptops to see if the electronics have been tampered with. Transportation Security Officers know what the inside of a computer should look like, and they can recognize irregularities. This is why they need an unobstructed view as the item moves through the X-ray machine.


Watch what you say. Don’t make any jokes about bombs, terrorism or the like. Don’t be belligerent to the TSA officers. Remember they are there to protect you.

If you are interested in keeping up with the latest TSA news, check into the TSA Blog