Jarvis Island is an uninhabited 4.5 square kilometer island in the South Pacific that is a part of the Line Islands group, but does not belong to Kiribati. Rather, it is an unincorporated territory of the United States in the region of Micronesia. The island is administered as a National Wildlife Refuge.
Jarvis Island has no airports or harbors, only a landing area for one boat. The flat coral island is surrounded by reefs and is sparsely vegetated by vines, low-growing shrubs, and nests and habitats for seabirds and marine wildlife including crabs and lizards. Some of the principal species include terns, shearwaters, frigatebirds, red-tailed tropic birds, various boobies, and brown noddies. There are also green sea turtles and hawksbill around the island. Entry to these islands is restricted to scientists or educators who have obtained permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Jarvis Island was first discovered by the British in 1821. It was soon after annexed by the United States in 1858. The island, however, was abandoned and subsequently annexed by the UK in 1889. In 1935, the U.S. once again reclaimed the island.