Anyer is an Indonesian village on the island of Lombok.[1] It is located in the north section of the island about 28 miles away from Tanjung. It is the head of the Bayan sub-district. The highlight of Anyer is its big Sunday market and the roads around the village. Several operations run along the road to Anyer to collect the volcanic rock, pumice, found on the roadside. The route passes through sawah and vegetable gardens and coconut groves. The greenery in some areas stretches for miles on end until cut off by the sea. Be on the look out for low hills that crest along certain stretches of the route, as they provide spectacular views of the sea. Eventually, the road ventures inland and will pass by gnarled frangipani trees and Muslim cemeteries.[2]
“Anyer.” <>
Muller, Kal, and David Pickell. East of Bali: From Lombok to Timor. Lincolnwood: Passport Books, 1991. ISBN: 0844299057.
[1] Anyer
[2] Muller, 64