sienna-duomo.jpgBuon Giorno –

Although we have been to Italy several times, we never made it to Siena until now. What a shame; I could have spent two full days there and still not seen all that I want to see. A splendid walled city, Siena’s crowning glory is its Duomo. Fortunately, we visited between August and October, when the floor is uncovered for view. The floor consists of a number of black and white inlaid scenes from the bible and mythology, exquisitely done.

sienna-winding-street.jpgThe city’s main square or Campo is unique in its unique, fan-like design. One can picture the horses racing through the campo during Siena’s twice-yearly Palio. We shopped the many little winding streets, had lunch on the Campo and of course, gelato from one of many vendors in the city.

We visited many little churches and barely had time to see some of the museums we were hoping to. I guess we need to return.

We drove to the city and parking is usually a major problem. We were fortunate to arrive before 10am and found parking at the Roman Gate parking area. It was then an easy stroll past the university section to the Campo and the Duomo. My brother, who had visited Siena several times, says that this entrance is by far the best in avoiding the major up-hill treks from other parking spots.

Yesterday was a stay-at-home day. Both Bill and I contracted colds and were feeling under the weather, and Chuck and Georgiann were ready for a relaxing day at the villa. We ventured out late in the day to get some cold meds. It is interesting that in this part of Italy, the stores are closed between noon and four. (in our town they are closed until 5pm) So any shopping at the COOP or Farmacia needs to be done before noon or after four.

Today we are driving to Panzano considered the gourmet capital of Tuscany, so Chuck can get his Gourmet fix.
